4 Signs that Your Loved One Needs Gambling Addiction Treatment (Demo)

Home Gambling 4 Signs that Your Loved One Needs Gambling Addiction Treatment (Demo)
4 Signs that Your Loved One Needs Gambling Addiction Treatment (Demo)

Sep 05, 2022

Are you concerned that someone you love has a gambling problem? Like most addictive behaviors, the problem with gambling isn’t the gambling itself. Instead, it’s how the person responds to the gambling. While some people are able to enjoy this as a pastime, others develop a compulsive disorder. 

A person with a gambling disorder actually experiences similar effects in the brain as someone who uses drugs or alcohol. Furthermore, the dangers of compulsive gambling can be just as detrimental as those from drug and alcohol use. If your loved one appears to have a problem with gambling, it’s understandable why you would be upset. 

Here at CTRLCare Behavioral Health, we always tell people to listen to their gut. If they suspect that something is wrong, it probably is. Now, you might not have the exact problem diagnosed, but you know that your loved one isn’t acting right. So if it’s not gambling that’s the problem, it could be a mental health disorder like depression or OCD.

Below are four signs that your loved one might benefit from gambling addiction treatment in New Jersey

1. Unable to Stop Gambling

Aside from actually engaging in the act of gambling, does your loved one constantly talk about gambling? Do they seek out people and places that support this obsession? 

Unfortunately, with technological advancements, there are many ways to gamble these days. People don’t have to go to the slots to do it. They can bet real money on gaming websites and apps, and these games are specifically designed to be addictive

If your loved one seems to be gambling all the time, including on their laptop or smartphone, it’s time to take action. 

2. Financial Problems 

Gambling is expensive. Frequent gambling is dangerous to a person’s long-term goals and financial health. Sadly, some people think that gambling can solve their problems, which is why they are compelled to keep trying until they reach that “big win.” Unfortunately, that big win doesn’t come for most people. 

People who gamble a lot tend to get the same high whether they win or lose. This is why it takes more than a significant loss to get them to change. Other financial red flags to watch for are: 

  • Borrowing money to cover living expenses
  • Not being able to pay money back
  • Inability to pay bills and utilities 
  • Manipulating people to get money 
  • Stealing money from others 

3. Hiding or Lying about Gambling

Maybe your loved one isn’t obvious about their gambling. Perhaps they are being secretive and taking their laptop or smartphone into the bedroom or bathroom. Or they might be lying about where they’re going, or spending long stretches of time out. 

Once a person starts hiding their compulsive gambling habit, they know deep down that they have a problem. They don’t want to be questioned because they’re not ready to stop. Now is a good time to discuss the benefits of gambling addiction treatment in Princeton NJ. 

4. Withdrawal Symptoms 

Because gambling has similar effects on the brain as drugs and alcohol, compulsive gamblers will experience withdrawal symptoms if they try to cut back or stop. The withdrawal symptoms are more emotional in nature, not physical, but they can still be intense. 

Some withdrawal signs to pay attention to are: 

  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness 
  • Decreased sleep 
  • Decreased appetite 
  • Change in sex drive 

Get Help for a Gambling Problem Today 

Are you concerned that a loved one has a gambling problem? This is nothing to be ashamed of. CTRLCare Behavioral Health works with individuals who have gambling issues, and we work to identify the root cause of their behavior. Once we identify this, we can treat the underlying issue and teach the person healthier ways of coping. To learn more about gambling addiction treatment in New Jersey, contact our team today

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